IE-8 Developer Console
As I mentioned briefly in a previous post, Internet Explorer 8 features a truly wonderful selection of developer tools. These new developer tools allow you to perform a variety of trouble shooting tasks in a much more effective and efficient manner. For example, you have the ability to disable various CSS attributes or javascripts with the click of a mouse. Having the ability to temporarily remove various elements within your website is great for trouble shooting those odd css issues and javascript conflicts.
IE-8 can highlight table cells, divs, and positioned divs which is perfect for ironing out any positional issues. The developer console also has the ability to display various image attributes such as dimensions or alt/title tags. Last, but certainly not least, Internet Explorer 8 can run in either IE-7 or IE-8 mode. This feature is essential for assessing cross browser compatability.
Overall, the new Internet Explorer developer console is fantastic and I find myself using it on a daily basis. My hat goes off to you Microsoft, keep up the good work.
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